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Company Profile:

Prometheus is an independent company serving the Oil Refining Industry since 1986: it provides both Specialised Consulting and Software Products.

Consulting Services
Prometheus offers a wide range of Consulting Services provided by seasoned experts in refinery processing and operations, information technology, training, and marketing. Company know-how is centred on the improvement of oil refining profitability.�

Software Products
Prometheus Decision Support System (DSS) is a suite of software applications provided as support to refinery management decisions in the short, medium and long term planning activities. Conceived by refinery experts, DSS applications are flexible, user friendly and do not require a deep knowledge of operational research techniques.

Key Products:

Typical studies carried out are:

  • Refinery Surveys: Assess refinery performance and highlight minor modifications to overcome production bottlenecks and improve global profitability
  • Feasibility Studies: Highlight solutions to cope with operational changes
  • Conceptual Engineering: Process design of modifications of existing units to reach new operational targets (capacity improvement, product quality) minimising capital expense and optimising existing assets

Among the tasks executed by Prometheus DSS applications are: 

  • CUTS: Crude oil database management, re-cutting and fractionation monitoring
  • SIMRAF: LP refinery optimisation including process simulators (multi-period, multi-refinery, optimised scheduling)
  • OTTMIX: LP blending optimisation with mixed integer and multi-period options
  • PRORAF/PROLAV: refinery operation event scheduling including process simulators